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Collective delivery is about a unified approach to support people with the most complex needs - that our systems have failed.

(Haehaetu Barrett, CE, Lifewise NZ)

Our Collective

The collective impact model

We use the model of Collective Impact to inform a multi-agency approach to providing permanent housing with ongoing and sustained wraparound support services to whānau across Tāmaki Makaurau.

Working together we can support whānau to stay living in their homes and never return to homelessness.

Read more about Collective Impact

Watch highlight video of Housing First Auckland Collective Hui 2023.

Auckland City Mission – Te Tāpui Atawhai

The Mission provides integrated social services to anyone seeking assistance. Mission clients are often either homeless or need food from the Mission’s food bank. The services we offer

have developed over time to reflect social changes, but our purpose remains to help people in desperate need.

No two clients’ stories are the same and the people who come to the Mission for help come for many different reasons; some are isolated elderly, others are rough sleepers or people living in cars and inappropriate housing. Others are battling addictions, living with mental health issues, or struggling to feed their families over a period of unexpected crisis.


Lifewise NZ

Lifewise is an Auckland-based community social development organisation, that develops new ways to solve challenging social issues and work with families, older people, people with disabilities, and people at risk of homelessness to turn people’s lives around.

Lifewise’s roots trace back to over 150 years ago within the Methodist Church of New Zealand, and the organisation has since changed and developed to meet the needs of Aucklanders as the city grows.

Link People Logo


At LinkPeople we believe everyone has a right to a healthy home. We’re committed to helping people in South Auckland to find and keep homes by providing housing first, followed by wrap-around support to sustain a successful tenancy.

We work closely with the people who use our services, meeting regularly to support them to be good tenants, good neighbours and contributing members of the community. As their needs and circumstances change over time, we’ll work with them to make sure they always have a place to call home.

Partnerships across agencies are fundamental to the success of our Housing First approach. We work with Housing New Zealand Corporation, private landlords, and NGO and DHB social and health services to support the people who use our services.

Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga

On average, we receive more than 130 requests for housing every month from people and families who are chronically homeless, through to those who have a severe housing need. This includes people living in cars, caravan parks, couch surfing, and in overcrowded housing, along with people who have been evicted, are coming out of prison and who are living on the street. Our West Auckland Housing First service builds on our strong track record of providing quality community housing and compassionate wraparound client care.

Visionwest’s CEO Lisa Woolley says, “Housing First means we will be able to access homes for people in the places best suited for their situation and provide them with the appropriate supports to help them in their tenancy and to achieve their goals.”

Visionwest has been journeying with those in need within our community for nearly 30 years. With our head office in West Auckland, branches throughout the country and a team of more than 1,400 staff and volunteers, our vision is to Build Hope Together so that we can ultimately see Transformed Lives, Healthy Communities.

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Wise Group

The Wise Group provides backbone support including infrastructure and resources for our shared model to ensure our collective efforts are coordinated and structured.

In addition to leadership from Housing First Programme Manager Rami Alrudaini, the communication and design, project management, data system (through Wild Bamboo) and administration support we receive from the Wise Group’s shared business services allow our collective to focus on supporting whānau experiencing homelessness.

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Housing First Auckland is part of the Wise Group Copyright ©2025

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