Chief Executive/City Missioner, Auckland City Mission - Te Tāpui Atawhai
Helen Robinson
Helen has devoted most of her life to addressing the social issues of Aotearoa New Zealand. She has a wealth of experience in social services, and a deep commitment to a more equitable nation, one where everyone has access to what they need.
As the Missioner, Helen leads Auckland City Mission – Te Tāpui Atawhai to strive and advocate for a nation where wealth and opportunity are redistributed so that there is enough for everyone. Helen has been with the Mission for more than a decade in a range of leadership roles.
At the Mission, Helen is known as Manutaki, a Māori title meaning the bird that leads. This is significant as she leads the Mission’s commitment to accepting and understanding the effects of colonisation on Aotearoa, and the Mission’s place in the restorative work needed to move forward.
Helen is also co-chair of Kore Hiakai, a national collective working towards a food secure Aotearoa.
Alongside her practical work, Helen has published research into the measurement and experience of food insecurity in New Zealand.